In the following videos I demonstrate a few techniques for creating your own portfolio with WordPress/Divi.
I recommend watching all of them while following along. That way you get a good feeling for how everything works.
After you watched all videos below, you can start building your own designs.
My suggestion generally is to make a mockup in Ps or Ai first, and then try to replicate it with Divi – as soon as you hit a challenge that you don’t know how to tackle, let me know!
At the bottom of the page I will link solutions to commonly asked questions, as soon as they arise, and I will also add another video for creating a mobile version – so right now you should just focus on the desktop version.
Alright, enough reading, let’s start with the videos!
01 overview of wordpress (09:26)
02 divi and image optimization (13:28)
03 work page from scratch (13:00)
04 clone pages and embed videos (07:19)
05 landing page and thumbnail hover effects (15:13)
06 global settings and menu (22:35)
07 mobile version (06:56)
Sorry for the bad quality. I should reupload a cleaner version when I get the time…