Here you will find all the recordings of the Cinema 4D Basic course 2019 Q1 in Hamburg.
Installation / General Settings / Overview
In the first session we installed Cinema 4D, talked about the default settings we want to use and how to save them. Lastly I gave a quick overview of the program itself.
Standing in the rain – part 1
In this session we started with a little project of a character with a raining umbrella. We started by modeling the character and adding a few materials. And at then end I gave a really quick overview of what the homework would be.
Standing in the rain – part 2 / Studio Setup
First we finished the standing in the rain example, and then we took a look at how we can create a nice studio setup for product renderings etc.
3 in 1!
In this session we tackled 3 different projects with MoText. We used the Boole object and the extrude tool to create an Object with different insides. We learned about the secondary method for global illumination with a text example where we filled some text with clones. And lastly we created some melted copper text and learned some basic compositing techniques in After Effects.
So much random stuff
I was a bit uninspired, so we just talked about many many different techniques. I hope that the thumbnail of the video gives a proper overview of all the little things we did.
In this session we learned how to apply textures in different ways, and even how to create our own seamless textures.
We learned about another way of applying a texture to an element and we used this technique to create different mockups. We then made those renders even more interesting with some compositing in Photoshop and After Effects.
Sketch and Toon is a great addition to Cinema 4D. And in combination with Ambient Occlusion some great renders can be made.
We also checked out the Cel Renderer, which is perfect for “making of” images.
Thin Film Shader
In our last session for this quarter we took a look at the Thin Film Shader in C4D. We used it in combination with a Fresnel and Environment to create a fancy iridescent scene along with floating soap bubbles.