In this class we animated some icons.
AE Class Recording – 170821
In this class we did some casefilm animations. We animated a bouncing ribbon, and made a badge appear.
AE Class Recording – 170807
This time we took a look at how we can prepare files from illustrator to properly import them into After Effects. We used the Puppet Pin Tool to animate a ribbon. And we talked about the “sun icon” to make vector layers “Continuously rasterize” – we also talked about the possible disadvantages of that option.
AE Class Recording – 170802
Today we finished the last two projects, by adding some color corrections to the flower garden, and and we added a 3D camera motion with depth of field to the map example.
AE Class Recording – 170731
This time we took a deeper look at the 3D tracker by tracking a flower garden and animated a little hologram info plate.
AE Class Recording – 170724
In todays class we took some screenshots from google maps, stitched them together with the help of photoshop and then animated a line following the streets.
Afterwards to took a quick look at the 3D Tracker.
AE Class Recording – 170717
In this class we installed all the necessary scripts and optimized the preferences. Afterwards we explored different types of Keyframes and rendered a short example animation with emojis.