Changing Cinema 4D Presets and Layout

Presets: It is very easy to change the default project settings. Just start Cinema, change the project settings in any way you like (that also includes the render settings) and just save the file two times in the following folder: … Read more…

C4D Class Recording – 150822

Hello, hello! Here is the screen recording from 22.08.2015 Part 1: In the first part of this class we model the octopus and talk about various polygon-related modelling techniques. Part 2: In the second half we are talking about different … Read more…

Extend Edge Animate with jQuery

Edge Animate understands already a couple of different languages, like HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and even a little bit of jQuery (which is essentially JavaScript, but in a much more user-friendly way). But to be able to use the entire power … Read more…

List of common AE-Shortcuts

⌘+⎇+⇧+Ynull-object The Y’s: ⌘+Y new solid ⌘+⇧+Y solid settings ⌘+⎇+Y adjustment layer ⌘+⎇+⇧+Y null object Properties: P Position R Rotation S Scale A Anchor point T OpaciTy… (or Transparency) U show/hide every animated property of selected layer/s UU (U tipped … Read more…

Show hidden files/folders

Here is the quick version: 1. Open up Terminal (you can find it via Spotlight or in /Applications/Utilities/ 2. Copy/paste the following command: defaults write AppleShowAllFiles YES 3. You now need to relaunch the Finder. You can do it… … Read more…